There is lots of Websites that you can find out 'How to make a face cast' So instead of writing out each step, I've decided to write out what I realized, some facts and overall what I learnt while doing these castings.
Step One: Mixing the Alginate and water together.
If you've never worked with alginate then I'd start with casting you're hands or feet. Something simple and easy to work with just till you get used to working with the alginate. It's pretty hard to work with and you have to quickly place it onto the face as it dries very fast.
I would start with the nose. Fact: I wouldn't place anything in the nose like straws ect. In case you knock it which will cause damage. I left it alone and you can breath fine :) Starting with the nose is much easier because then you can just place the alginate over the rest of the face once the alginate on the nose has been placed gently around the nostrils and making sure the model can breath.
*Remember to have vaseline all over the hairs on your face because once the alginate touches it, OUCH! Its a pain to get off.
Step Two: Placing Mod Roc onto the alginate.
Start with the nose again! This means by the time you've finished placing the mod roc over the alginate, the nose will be the hardest built which is good because the nose is more fragile when taking it off you're face.
I'd place maybe 3-5 layers of mod roc over the alginate so that its kept in place.
Step Three: The Mold
The nose, its always the problem. I find this part the hardest, having to fill in the nostrils.
I don't really have an easier way to doing this as I've not mastered it yet. The technique that I do is pretty bad so I'll just keep quite about that...
Step Four: The Casting
I placed a box underneath so that it was straight and easy to fill in the cast.
I made roughly 5 cups of the casting power/water mix and filled in the mold each time one cup dried. If that makes sense.. I place one cup mix into the mold then waited till it dried and made another cup full and then continued till it was full.. I can't explain it haha
The easier way would just to make a massive mix then place into the mold but remember to get every detail so shake it a little and keep the back of it flat.
Thats pretty much how I made all 15 face casts haha