Sunday 23 February 2014

Pig Nose SFX

Pig Nose!

So I was trying to look for makeup looks on how to make a pig nose.. Random I know. I couldn't find a single one though! Well not a simple way. The outcome was really just a practice to see if I could create a pig nose with just latex and cotton wool. I wasn't really designing a full face look, I was going to but me being allergic to face paint, starting to get a sore face. 

And because of this, I didn't get many good photos. I did though, try to make it very simple and easy-ish to do. Not sure if any ones every thought about making a pig nose but.. yeah here is my way anyway ha

 So to start off I decided to make the end of the snout separate (Really wish I never though so maybe just make it all at once?) By doing this I took the back of a dolls head, you can use anything with a flat surface, I measured it by looking straight forward and middle of my pupils straight down..? Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't. I'm bad at explaining if you haven't noticed already haha. Then just roughly guessed the width.. you don't want it too far down from your nose and not to high up.. Such a bad explainer :|

Next step was building up the nose! With latex and cotton wool. I placed the snout shape I did on the tip of my nose which let my know where to place and build up the cotton wool. 

Paint paint paint

Mine didn't really turn out THAT good but meh it was an experiment haha