Thursday 7 November 2013

The Girl.

So.. I haven't done makeup in over a month. I honestly haven't a clue what makeup to do or even been in the mood to do makeup so I decided to leave it for a while.. Sorry. I need to be more creative! I'm not really sure what I've created today.. A girl with a ripped off face.. Ehm yeahh

I never done makeup in October.. I'm sure that's a tad odd since Halloween is usually the day for weird looks like these.. Oh well.

Beautyuk eyeshadow collection - naked (7)
Makeup Academy PRO-BASE Eye Primer
Makeup Academy Eye Shadow. Shade 20 Matt 
Makeup Academy Intense Colour Lip Liner - Red Drama 
Eye Line [Kolor] Black

2 tbsp Gelatin 
2 tbsp Gylcerin 
2 tbsp Water

Fake Blooooooood

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Mad Hatter?

Mad Hatter

I tried and failed. I was going to cut hair from my extensions and place them over my eyebrow but I didn't have glue and wax didn't work so I decided to destroy it or draw in eyebrows. All I did was cover my eyebrows in wax, paint over in white face paint and then with orange eye shadow I created eyebrows. 
It's a pretty simple look if I'm honest, I didn't make it complicated at the end. Maybe at the start with the eyebrows but never mind that.. ha

Just need to get the costume and hat! Halloweeeen time! 
I'm really wanting to do a Tim Burton characters series.. But I'm not sure.  


Thursday 26 September 2013

Halloween makeup!

I'm excited for Halloweeeeeen!
I did this design today, something without fake blood and gore! Woo I'm getting better! 
This is mostly just makeup and white/black face paint. 
It's a pretty easy design, stays on better than most my designs.

Close up 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Sugar Skull / Burnt face

Sugar Skull / Burnt face

I started off with the Sugar Skull, trying to do something nice and pretty for a change but then I noticed that allot of people that recreate these looks do them so pretty and perfect.
That made me change my mind and I decided to go with half a burnt face.
It worked out okay, I could have done better but I've never done this type of thing before so I believe that it looks okay for a first time.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

(Zombie) Spider-Man Makeup

Spider-Man Makeup

These are all my edited versions of my version of Spider-Man
It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but I guess it looks alright, I wanted to make it much more different from the usual makeup looks you see of Spider-Man. Plus I can't really do 'pretty' makeup so I wanted to make it more of a Zombie Spider-Man. 

Wednesday 24 July 2013



  • Snazaroo - Black
  • Snazaroo - Rust Brown
  • Snazaroo - Bright Red
  • Snazaroo - Purple
  • Snazaroo - Bright Yellow
  • Latex
  • Tissue Paper
  • Talcum Power
  • Fake Blood

  • A Gel which was made by: 
  • Gelatine
  • Glycerine 
  • Water

I also found a snail...

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Scarred Hand

Scarred Hand

Makeup to create a scarred hand. First time trying something like this so I decided to keep it simple and short to see how it would turn out like. 

I think it turned out well, thinking about trying something bigger with it tomorrow and see how that goes. 

Monday 22 July 2013

The Joker

The Joker

So... This has nothing to do with Makeup but I thought I'd upload it anyway and show you one of my paintings I did a while ago, half finished. I love, love The Joker so I had to paint him. 
This is done in Acrylic paint..

Half finished but more than the first photo.. 

Sunday 21 July 2013

Small cuts

Just to get back into the makeup again, I thought I'd do small cuts and then progress into larger cuts and makeup later on. This was done with Latex - Nose & Scar wax - Paint and blood :)

I thought it worked out well. Much better than I had expected anyway.

Thursday 18 July 2013

DeviantArt Blog

Sorry I've not updated in a while, having problems doing new makeup designs while planning out my life.. I should be doing more makeup looks soon hopefully but I thought I'd make another blog as well as this one. It's just the same as this one but on here, it'll be a lot more explaining my work.


Thursday 4 July 2013

Ripped Cheek 2

Ripped Cheek 2.

From my previous post, I posted about making this ripped cheek effect but I never got around to actually seeing what it was like on so today I decided why not.
I wasn't sure if it'd look right because usually I build up a cut or something like this onto my face but I managed to work with it and to be honest I felt it was much quicker and pretty easy to work with. 

This is what it looked like before I placed it onto my face..

And after, all I really did was place it down with latex. There was three face paint products I used which where: Snazaroo - Bright Red, Black & Rust Brown.
And just basic blood to swear down the neck, around the rip and in the wound. 
I also out lined the teeth with the black face paint, just so they would stand out more because I feel as though the teeth are the main subject to this wound.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Ripped Cheek

Ripped Cheek

Never done this before, or this detailed so today I decided to try it out.
This was seriously the easiest thing I've ever made and probably the best cut I've ever made..
I made it on a life cast I did months ago and made the ripped cheek with latex, tissue paper and cotton balls.

This is a little bit of the process to how it was made.
Not much because I kept forgetting to take photos as I was enjoying making it haha

Now its ready to take off and place onto the face, adding a lot of blood but not that much to hide what you've made underneath. 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Joker/Harley Quinn

The Joker

Character makeup
I've never actually done a lot of character makeup before, not even sure if I've ever done one to be honest.. But I decided to create The Joker because he is simply amazing.. haha

Classic colours Snazaroo - White
Classic colours Snazaroo - Black
Classic colours Snazaroo - Bright Red

And I did use Ben Nye, nose & scar Wax but I failed at it as I've just started using the product today so I'm not really good at it yet.. 

Also did Harley Quinn on the other side of my face
I like them both together, I'm utterly obsessed with both Joker and Harley Quinn so this design will of course be my Halloween makeup <3  

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Missing Finger Tip

Missing Finger Tip

I had seen a tutorial on something similar to this and I decided to try it out because why not..
I didn't have any wax or anything that the person was working with but I did find just a normal clay, Super Sculpey, I believe was the name of the product. It had a skin colour look to it so I just grab the clay and went on to create the shape I wanted. I didn't use anything to stick it on with, I just placed it on my bent finger and sculpt it onto my finger.

It didn't turn out that great in person, you could see in the photo below but with more blood and a lot more detail, it could work out. I added a little foundation to blend in most of the clay but nothing else. This was only because I was seeing if I could make it so an experiment rather than a final piece. 

You can see that my finger is bent and the clay is built on top so if you're going to scare people just remember to keep the right angle and just show the front haha

I'd have a lot more blood onto the finger, coming down the length of the finger and maybe make another piece of just the finger tip. I think it'd look awesome with both pieces together and I might try document how to make it all.

And yes, my jammies are awesome.. haha
Homer Simpson! Woo